Tuesday 6 December 2011

In praise of Apple....

I have never found running on the roads much fun,but this being the first winter that i have actually decided to train through i am going to have to learn to or else it's going to be a long one! Seeing that i can get out for 1-2 hours on the fells or trails most wednesday mornings and for a 2-4 hour run on saturdays i have come to the conclusion that if i can get 2 or 3 good quality road runs of around an hour in duration (works out at about 7 or 8 miles at a steady pace as it is very hilly around here!) in the week this should give me a nice base going into the spring. I find it quite easy to drum up the motivation for running off road but to force my arse out of the door after work or college in the dark and the freezing rain for some tarmac abuse is hard! I have never thought of running with music but on tonights run i shoved my ipod into my cag pocket and put it on shuffle.Well what can i say,it made a very dull,wet and cold 8 miles pass very easily,although i would never run in the hills with my ipod,i think i've found the key to making road running more enjoyable,although i think i will have to make a playlist to get tunes better suited to running!

So get your ipods out this winter,i know i will be,it's the only way i can cope!

Speaking of good tunes to run too....

This is off the new Black Keys album 'El Camino' which was out yesterday,still eagerly awaiting the postman dropping it through the letter box......

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