Monday 29 October 2012


Life is a funny old thing sometimes. You can be drifting through the days and weeks with only a minimal amount of emotions present. Then at other times you can saturated by the sheer brutality or beauty of the world and life itself. This year, and the last couple of months especially so, have been a rollercoaster of highs and lows that I have never really experienced before. After working towards going to University and starting a new career in physiotherapy for so long, every day is great at the moment and its so good to be learning new things and meeting so many new and interesting people every single day.

I have never felt as deep a passion for life as I have at the moment. I feel I am just getting to understand the sheer amount of things that can be possible not only in work and general life but also in running and climbing aswell. I have started to see that life is pretty simple really, find things that you love and spend alot of time doing them. You see people getting stressed and angry about things that don't really matter much at all, we all do it and its really quite pointless.

The passing of my good friend Darren Holloway earlier this month hit me quite hard. But seeing the impact that he had on so many peoples lifes, in the running world and in other aspects of his life really put things into perspective for me and many others. Darren did things properly, no half measures. He did what he loved and he did it well. I dont think there is anything else I could possibly want out of life. Do what you love and do it well, spend time with people you love and treat them well.

There is loads of stuff to do out there and not much time, so lets get cracking!